Tuesday, February 2, 2010

IMRT Radiation - 2 down, 26 to go

I had good intentions of posting following my first day in radiation, but that didn't happen obviously.  So, here goes ... day 2 treatment done and talked to the doctor afterwards.  Evidently, Tuesday is my day to see the doctor after my treatment and so I almost called the post "Tuesdays with Dr. P" but that just didn't sound right.

Anyway, my initial impressions... and I stress the word "initial" ... are that radiation treatments sound one heckuvalot worse than they are (assuming there are no horrifying complications). The short version is,
I arrive at the doctor's office and change, wait until they come and get me, hop on the table and get in position (with help) and dang near fall asleep while the machine does it's little loop around me.  That's about it.  Of course, I swear I can feel it, but I can't.  And I keep looking, in vain, for some indication like sunburn or something... but that's not there either.

Thing is, the effects of this treatment have a curve over time, just like the effects of the hormones and the seed implants.  So, I'll see a bump in effects, probably starting around week 3 or so and (they say) lasting up to 4 weeks after the treatment stops.  Well, OK then.  Psyche up!

Today I thought how funny it is that I've got this paper drape over me (once again with the drapes) and yet this is a huge linear accelerator doing radiation on me... and I haven't asked yet what gives?  Why can't I keep my sweats on?  Do these rays bounce off fabric?  Ah.. so much to know... so little time.

But all in all, the start of this stage is going very well.  Tomorrow I'll have more about the exposure sequence... because that is fascinating too.  OK... maybe only to me... but fascinating just the same.


  1. Vell. Id zeemz eyuh muzt eenvorm you of der fahsheeyown foeweird konverzateyown eyv hawd wif Herr Doktor P on das kwestyown of papor gownz. We huv fownd dot PAPORTHEEN allowzuss to be enjoyeeng der JUNK of der malepayshuns best. Undt zo. Carl Loggerfelt

  2. @Carl - Funny you say that. I was having about the same conversation with the nurse who escorts me down the hall each day, probably to keep me from getting distracted by all the incredible artwork on the walls. I flippantly suggested that we start a kind of "Project Radiation Runway," thinking I would get the rolling-eyed look of a humorless medical professional. But no! She jumped on the idea, asking if we could all wear the PAPORTHEEN (tm) garb and dance to the graceful tunes of an F1 accelerating down the back straight at Monza. I am not making this up. Thank you. Thankyouverymuch.
