Thursday, February 18, 2010

Session 13 down... and some effects coming into play

After the third run (and I mean run) to the restroom at work yesterday I decided to head home and work from home.  Shorter route to the bathroom, see?  And (as it turned out) a much easier place to take a bit of a nap during lunch, which I did.

The effect was mainly an increased urgency to sit on the toilet. I chalk it up to having a cup of coffee which had an immediate effect (I had stopped at Starbucks on the way to work at around 6am) when I finished the cup... and then things kept talking to me.  It was not an unexpected symptom of the radiation treatments (they're shooting right through my bowels for Pete's sake), but like the egotistical man I am, I thought that those symptoms were for the lesser people. Really.  Or if not, that I would somehow be different.  It was not to be.  Sigh.  But so far, it's not bad.

So, it appears that I need to give up coffee for Lent.  Not that I want to (and my head doesn't want to either... I've got a trace of a headache as I write this)... but I prefer not pushing that particular envelope... if you know what I mean.  On the other hand I have not significantly altered my diet yet, so that's good. I'm still eating vegetables and fruit and things with fiber.  And it appears that tea is still OK to drink.  Somehow the caffeine in tea doesn't affect me in nearly the same way as the caffeine in coffee.

Otherwise, the treatments are going well... or as well as I can tell. While telling some friends about it last night we stumbled upon the funny thing that the set of treatments is the same as a lunar cycle.  Oh, well, a lunar cycle with weekends and bank holidays off.  Snort.  So a lunar cycle but not.  Anyway, when this gets posted I will have completed treatment # 13 (of 28).  Maybe we'll open a bottle of champagne to celebrate the halfway point tomorrow night.  Yeah... that's the ticket.


  1. One wonders. Concrete soup to slow things down. Or prune juice with raisonettes to speed things up. What would Che Guevara do? UM

  2. What WOULD Che do? Well, I can tell you what I did... had some white rice. And a bit of red meat. And sha-ZAM! ...back to normal. Amazing. I think speeding things up is not on the plate (as it were) for now. Slowing things down, yes, as needed. I think Che would approve. Or if not, he'd go off and start a revolution in say, Chile. :-)

  3. Glad that worked for you. And glad that you've retained your great sense of humor. Keep strong and be well.
