Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Side effects (round deux)

Hot flashes or hot flushes?

Well, to tell the truth, I don't really care (but for some reason "flush" seems more appropriate and in-line with the feeling... but one web site uses both...the flash comes first, and then the flush.  Seems like there's a bad pun in there somewhere.  Nevermind that, the point is that  I'm having them more often.  I'm not particularly thrilled with the development, but I haven't talked to my doctor about them yet, and really, I don't want to get into taking yet another pill.  But these are interrupting my sleep all the time now, so... something more to mull over.

The headaches along with the bicalutamide pill seem to have gone.  I'm no longer taking an extra strength Tylenol along with that in the evenings.

I have added a calcium chew to the mix.  It's candy, really... it tastes like caramel.  Why did I add it?  Because the lack of testosterone can cause bone loss.

Gad... this is an incredibly boring post!  Fortunately, it's short!


  1. Hi Neale. Just fyi - your postings are not boring at all. I find them very helpful for myself and for you. For me it gives me the opportunity to experience something (through you) that I hope I never have to experience, but I know the possibility is there. For you, I hope it helps to just talk about this rather than holding it in, which is my MO. Oh, I have my procedure today to check out my prostate "up close and personal" - via a camera catheterization (is that a word?).

  2. Hey Phil -- Thanks for the vote of confidence! I really appreciate it, and yes, I think you pegged it with how it helps me. But also, knowing that it adds something to someone else's experience is worthwhile. I'll be thinking of you and your procedure today and hope it helps clarify the situation you're in. And yes... it is a word! :-)
